...at least for pepper plants of the Simmons variety, anyway--Eric matched at Washington Hospital Center today.
How do we feel about it?
Disappointed that it’s not Denver.
Thankful that we don’t have to scramble.
Elated about Eric’s co-residents; 2 out of the 3 are good friends.
Fantastic to be near friends and family.
Sad that Hostelling Simmons won't be your ski lodge next season!
We had a lot that we were looking forward to in Denver, so it's been difficult to mentally switch gears to prepare for a very different living situation. Regardless, we are happy to know where we are going, and we can see that there are distinct advantages to staying on the East Coast and some nice perks to this residency program: family, friends and Lake Gaston; proximity to Philadelphia for Liz's work; and travel already wrapped into the residency itinerary, as Eric will spend one month on a Native American reservation in Arizona and another month in the Caribbean.
On the other hand, Liz was looking forward to a break from life in an East Coast city, and it sounds like ferrets--which we have been looking forward to welcoming into our home during residency--are illegal in D.C. Also, the housing market isn't exactly in our price range, despite all the talk about a buyer's market.
Nevertheless, we plan on making the best out of the next three years, however they may unfold! Oh, and if you have any insider D.C. tips for matters on living and playing, do share! :)
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
The Ides of March
March always seems to be unusually eventful in the e^2 household.
We began dating in March 2004: a spontaneous phone call to meet at Wendy's for dinner and a study break ended up creating a conversation that closed down the restaurant for the evening. After a whirlwind 6 weeks, Liz already had a hunch that marriage might be in the cards, thought she would never had admitted that to another human being at the time. If the journals weren't packed away in a box amidst a sea of cardboard, it might be fun to go back and re-read the clues... Ha! Who am I kidding anyway? Nomadic lifestyle aside, it's hard to make time for new entries here, wherever pepper grows...
Speaking of wherever pepper grows, the announcement of Eric's residency match comes out in just a matter of hours now. Match--and hopefully not a scramble--will determine where we land until 2011. This announcement is sandwiched between our first trip back to Philly, Eric's Boards, and the Jeep breaking down last week, and we are awaiting the birth of Nephew #5, the Annual Podiatry Basketball Tournament in Philly for Eric, the Non-Profit Technology Conference for Liz in New Orleans just before Easter, and the announcement of a major grant that will fund most of the Cultural Alliance's marketing efforts (read: employment) over the next 4 years. Whew!
Fate certainly has her way with us in March; fortunately we have no reason to suspect impending doom based on previous years. We'll still knock on wood, though--the next 24 hours bear big news!
We began dating in March 2004: a spontaneous phone call to meet at Wendy's for dinner and a study break ended up creating a conversation that closed down the restaurant for the evening. After a whirlwind 6 weeks, Liz already had a hunch that marriage might be in the cards, thought she would never had admitted that to another human being at the time. If the journals weren't packed away in a box amidst a sea of cardboard, it might be fun to go back and re-read the clues... Ha! Who am I kidding anyway? Nomadic lifestyle aside, it's hard to make time for new entries here, wherever pepper grows...
Speaking of wherever pepper grows, the announcement of Eric's residency match comes out in just a matter of hours now. Match--and hopefully not a scramble--will determine where we land until 2011. This announcement is sandwiched between our first trip back to Philly, Eric's Boards, and the Jeep breaking down last week, and we are awaiting the birth of Nephew #5, the Annual Podiatry Basketball Tournament in Philly for Eric, the Non-Profit Technology Conference for Liz in New Orleans just before Easter, and the announcement of a major grant that will fund most of the Cultural Alliance's marketing efforts (read: employment) over the next 4 years. Whew!
Fate certainly has her way with us in March; fortunately we have no reason to suspect impending doom based on previous years. We'll still knock on wood, though--the next 24 hours bear big news!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Back in Philly: The First 30 Hours

The Philadelphia City Paper maintains a weekly quality of life bell curve. In Philly fashion, we figured we'd narrate the first 30 hours of our first trip back a la The Curve:
The SEPTA automats in the PHL airport have been locked up and the on-board surcharge is now mandatory. At least they re-upholstered the train seats. Minus 1
We have the instant realization in Suburban Station that we are back in an urban center filled with its various and sundry plights. Minus 5
Checked into Club Quarters. They provide purified water at no extra cost. Plus 2
Hopped on the 48 to meet Tim and Carolyn for dinner. The bus arrived on time, and we got to the restaurant 15 minutes early. Yes, the Simmons actually arrived early. We are very proud of ourselves! Plus 4
Had a tasty dinner and great conversation at Trio and closed down the place, remembering how much we enjoy Philly's local cuisine--read: BYOB. Plus 4
Someone asked us for money right after we walked out of the restaurant, which is not expected in the Fairmount neighborhood. Minus 1
We hopped on the 48 within minutes of leaving the restaurant. The SEPTA gods were smiling upon us. Plus 2
Liz shivers until she finally falls asleep, not used to the cold temperatures up north! Eric gets two ice bricks on his legs, a.k.a Liz's feet. Minus 2
Liz wakes up at o' dark hundred to the sound of construction on the old AIA building next door. At least it wasn't a hovering helicopter. Minus 4
Breakfast at Marathon is true to its name: it takes 25 minutes for a yogurt parfait to get to the table. Minus 2
John meets Liz at Marathon; Liz sees the rest of her awesome coworkers in short order. Plus 4
Eric sits through a boring review session for boards on Wednesday. Minus 1
Eric goes to Archway for lunch to catch up with friends. He does not order one-heart-attack on a bun. Add three years to Eric's lifespan. Plus 3
Eric and Liz meet for dinner at David's Mai Lai Wah for their sensational fried dumplings with ginger and scallion sauce. Plus 2
We're back at Club Quarters and have free wireless to create this post. The connection is only 11 Mbps. Even
The cabs are blowing their horns on 17th Street below us. We fail to understand why this is necessary; it's a Monday night and after 11 pm. Minus 1
We don't live here anymore. We leave Saturday and make it back in time for the UNC/Duke game. Plus 3
Total Pluses: 24
Total Minuses: 17
The 30 Hour Total: +7
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